Bus User Group

“We are a group that has SUCCESSFULLY campaigned to connect our community with public transport”

Welcome to our page! The Bus ACTION Group has transformed into the Bus USER Group. This site was created to promote discussion, share documents and connect groups and we welcome feedback on how useful it is. We also have an email distribution list of ‘BUGGY’s’ with over 75 people registered to receive updates

Latest News…

***We have a facebook page***

As part of our efforts to increase awareness and usage of the new bus service, we have set up a facebook page. It’s just another way of communicating plans but also an easy way to have discussions about bus services, share photos, experiences etc.

Bus User Group (Greystoke to Penrith) Facebook page

Our last meeting was held on Thursday 23rd January 2025, 7-8pm @ Greystoke Village Hall.

You can read about how that went here.

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